Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Happy Day 8...Clobex Cream

This could be graphic! Jk well sort of...the feet are just yuckky.

So my happy thing of the day is Clobex cream.

This amazing, yet expensive, steroid cream is my best friend.

I love this picture cause it sums up atopical eczema. You get these lovely blister like itchy patches. But Clobex cream does wonders give it a week or two and flare up gone!!!

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy Day 7...Weight Loss Goals

I have been wanting to lose weigh for ever I just havent done anything about it what so ever. I have heard multitudes of oppinions on what approaches to take, weight loss plans, suppliments, etc. But no matter how I cut it my mind and body still thinks that the well balanced diet, little bad for you food, and excercise are the best approaches. So today (though its kind of shot but it gave me a starting weight) is day one of my weight loss goal. My goal lose at least 1 lb a week. Here is the plan and thinking...I will do it the way I feel is best for 4 months. If come the end of July and I still havent reached my goal then I will look at the other options. So my steps:

  • Work out 5-6 times a week

  • Meet with a personal trainer

  • Keep a food journal

  • Only allow for 1 free day...and the occasional dessert run if its a date or what not but really try and stick to one free day

  • Eat the well balanced diet!!

  • Stay out of my treat jar...its ment for others not me

  • Kick the soda habbit that I formed out of no where

Stay tuned my friends (weigh ins could easily equal a happy day post)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Happy Day 6....this talk by Elder Eyring

It dawned on me that conference is next weekend!! But this got me thinking, well reflecting, on where I was 6 months ago and where I am now. 6 months ago I was finding my self having to make a serious decision about my relationship with Jared. I went into conference with the question of what to do weighing on my heart.

Like this talk said I got my answer and the strength to follow through with it.

Elder Eyring's talk "Trust in God, Then Go and Do"


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Happy Day 5.....The Scriptures

I love reading the scriptures and it always makes me happy to do so.

What I love about them:
  • How I can learn something new every time I read.
  • How I pick out new things or have new insight based on my life at the time.
  • How true I know they are.
  • How I cant sit down and read the scriptures with out feeling better, stronger and more spirtitual.
  • How they can set a better tone for the day.
  • How I can read 5 minutes here and there and each time its like I get a dose of feel goods and caffine.
Ill admit though I am terrible at reading on a regular basis. What I am doing to be better about reading my scriptures (kind of funny when I think about it): (I should mention most are goals that I am slowly implementing...my goal do each and all by the end of the weekend)
  • Bringing them to work each day to read during my beloved 15 minute breakes
  • Creation of my Daily Dose of Scripture blog (read previous post)
  • I am going to read each night before bed and each morning (you know with those so called morning and evening prayers we are supposed to have...another funny...should be another goal)
  • Read for 15 minutes when I get home from work
  • Read 30 minutes extra on days off of work :)
  • Read the entire Standard Works by the end of 2011 (And guess what its only 2 pages of each, and 4 chapters in the OT...I am pretty sure I can do it...hey maybe even get ahead.)

A Daily Dose of Scriptures

I have started a new blog to post daily sections from the Old Testament to help us all get through the Old Testament this year. The facts it will take 4 chapters a day or for you 1 blog post a day!! Check out the new blog. Again icon on the side!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Daily Service Challenge

I am challenging one and all to do a daily act of service!! I am going to post and idea each day!! Please feel free to do it comment on your experience or else comment on what you daily act of service is. To make the most of this challenge try and think of something you wouldnt normally do that day...like doing someone else choir for them...etc.

To participate in the challenge you can go to blog by cliking the link listed on this post and my blog! Just look for the fun picture to know whats going on.

Happy Day 4....Service!!

Last night when I got home from work I check the mail and what did I have in it?.....My registration card stating I am an offical donor on Bone Marrow Registry. Now what? I just sit back and waite tell I am perfect match. I may be one soon, in years, or never.

Well this morning my dad was all why would you want to do that. My mom instanty said...becuase if you can be the one to save a life wouldnt it be horrible that they arent able to get a bone marrow donation because you were afraid of needles and the pain and recovery involved. (I totally agree!)

Well I was thinking on my drive to work about how much I love service!!! It always makes me feel happy and good inside knowing I can make a difference.

So I have decided to start a fun challenge of a daily service (lets see how this works) It can big or large. As simple as joining the Bone Marrow Registry, signing up to be an organ donor, or large such as voluntering at a function, raising money, etc. I am going to start a blog for this. Basically Ill post what my service for that day is and ask you all to join in!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Happy Day 3...My Intellect and Knowledge

Ok slightly a bragging blog post but alas what can I say.

I have always had a smart brain and intellect (though I cant spell worth beans). In high school I hated it at times that I was smart cause I put loads of pressure on my self.

But right now I am so so glad I am...

My office and team at work (the Family Employment Plan...aka FEP...aka Financial Assistance) was in need of some staff changes. They needed a part time worker in our Woods Cross office and who did they chose?...Thats right me!! And why....as my supervisor put it today because:
*I am very smart
* I retain knowledge well (even though still on a learning curve, need I mention I have been in this position 5 weeks and only 2 weeks off of training)
* She doesnt feel she needs to be next to me all day
* I think like our program specialist and am able to dig in and find the answer!!
*Oh yes and becuase I have a good attitude and am flexible (but this doesnt so relate to my happy for the day)

Im so excited I will 2 day in Clearfield and another 2 in Woods Cross...I will have a huge case load but who really cares when it came from earning my supervisor and managers respect, approval and trust....

...all this thanks to my intelect and brain :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Happy Day 2 ....Options

Options seems like a funny thing to be happy about but they really are.

With changes in my job and interaction with individuals who have made life choices that have landed them in a position where they really have no life choices or very limited ones I'm growing more and more grateful for life choices.

This weekend I have thought a lot about choices and options. I have decided to make sure I live my life and make daily choices that allow for me to always have options in life. I want to live a proactive life as opposed to a reactive one.

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Monday, March 14, 2011

Tuesday Tip


"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug."
Mark Twain

Dr. Alan Zimmerman's Personal Commentary:

When I was growing up, I was taught a little slogan that was supposed to stop some of the bullying on the playground. I was taught to say, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

As an adult, I realize how ridiculous that slogan is. The truth is ... words are among the most powerful forces on earth. Words can and do hurt. A few mis-spoken words by a corporate executive could turn off an entire company. A few mis-spoken words by a husband or wife could destroy a marriage. And a few mis-spoken words by a politician could start a war.

The GOOD news is ... words can also be the source of great good. Words can motivate employees, build up relationships, and even make us think, wonder, and laugh.

For example, I listened to the artful way one comedian put his words together. Among other lines in his routine, he asked the audience, "How do you tell when you run out of invisible ink?" and "We know the speed of light. So what's the speed of dark?"

He defined a few terms for us, such as "laughing stock," which is nothing more than cattle with a sense of humor. But he admitted his life wasn't perfect, "He said, 'I tried sniffing Coke once, but the ice cubes got stuck in my nose.'"

The GREAT news is ... there are three little words you can use to start new relationships, deepen old ones, and even restore those that have cooled off over time. And it doesn't matter if you use these three little words on your coworkers, your customers, your spouse, kids, or friends; they will enrich every one of those relationships.

Perhaps the BEST news is ... there are ten of these little three-word phrases you can use. You can choose the three-word phrase that best suits your situation. Some of them I learned from Perry Walker and Dr. Sidney Simon, and some of them I developed over the years. Here are five of them for this week's edition of the "Tuesday Tip."

1. I'll be there.

When you indicate by your words and your actions that "I'll be there" for you, you're giving one of the greatest gifts you can give someone else. You're giving him/her the gift of support, encouragement, and peace of mind. And these words work just as well in your personal life as your professional life.

2. I miss you.

Perhaps more marriages could be saved and strengthened if couples simply and sincerely said to each other "I miss you." This powerful affirmation tells partners they are wanted, needed, desired and loved. Consider how ecstatic you would feel, if you received an unexpected phone call from your spouse in the middle of the workday, just to say "I miss you."

3. I respect you.

It's the number one thing employees want to get from a job ... once they get past the pay, security and benefits. They want to hear and need to feel that they are respected. The same thing goes for those close to you ... if you remember the "circle of trust" in the "Meet The Parents" movie.

4. I'm open to...

"I'm open to hearing your side." This is a great phrase for diffusing an argument and restoring frayed emotions. Instead of coming across as rigid and closed minded, which almost always makes the other person more rigid and closed minded as well, you come across as reasonable and flexible.

In a sense, when you say "I'm open to..." to your point of view, you're exhibiting your humility. You're admitting the possibility of being wrong. And if you're open to his/her position, you dramatically increase the chances that they'll be more open to your way of thinking or your way of doing things.

5. Please forgive me.

Face it. Everybody makes mistakes. Everybody makes a mess of things once in a while. And every one of us has a few faults and shortcomings.

And yet, many people find it very difficult to admit their mistakes and take responsibility for the damage they've caused. They see it as a sign of weakness ... when in reality, it is a sign of strength. When you say "please forgive me," you're owning up to the fact you were in the wrong, and in the process of owning up, you're also saying "I'm wiser today than I was yesterday."

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Happy Day 2...Ronald McDonald House

(Ok I have been trying to add a picture...but it was driving me crazy)

My Happy Day for today is the Ronald McDonald House....

I work here as a weekend manager, as my second job.

The Ronald McDonald house provides a place for families of children receiving medical treatment to stay. The house is only $15 a night, all food and services are provided for them. The house provides not only a place to stay but also a place of hope and encouragement.

How can you help (And I encourage you to do so):
1)Volunteer to provide a meal...well you do have to come and cook it
2) Provide fleece blankets...we give each child a blanket when they stay with us.
3) Collect pop tabs to send into the house...the help us raise funds
4) Call up or come in to pay for a families stay
5) Or however else you feel like donating.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Happy Day 1-I Love Spring Walks

Ok so I'm not so great at this. So I'm making an extra challenge out of this...my happy for the day has to relate to that given day.

Today I needed to pick my allergy sirium from the ENT so I decided to go during my break at work. It was such a glorious day and my dr is a block away from my office so I went for a walk.

Can I tell you I love walks. And I really love spring time weather walks!!

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

100 Days of Happy

I decided to still this idea from dear sweet old roomies Melissa and Natalie.

For the next 100 days I will list something that makes me happy. Lets see how I do!!

Today I would have to say the change in seasons makes me happy. Yesterday being March 1st has me so so excited for spring to come. I love spring and fall weather and can't Wait!!!

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