Monday, March 31, 2008

Jewelry Mania

So you all know that I love jewelry making and have my own business, well sort of, called La Principessa. Well I decided its time to have another sale and get back into beading. Well just as a heads up for it all. I will have a sale at my house May 10. I will be creating a blog of my jewelry (time dependent). Now I have kids and baby jewelry for sale. YIPPPEEEE

Friday, March 28, 2008

Pictures to Come

Ok ok. I know the blog is kind of boring, it needs pictures. But I was on my lunch break and couldn't put any on. This weekend for sure I will add some. A blog is a good excuse to take more pictures. ;)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Is It Wrong to Pray for a Calling

I think this is a good question. Is it wrong to pray for a calling you really want? With out going into any details I can say am. Just a thought to ponder.

Wisdom Teeth Fun

So a few weeks ago I got my wisdom teeth out. Yep no fun there at all. It was the strangest thing I have ever done. I chose to have them put me asleep but the thing is I dont think I ever fell asleep. All I know is I was completly confused. My brother was the one who took me home. He told me I was hillarious becuase I repeated, in question form, everything the nurse told me. You know I really should have taken a picture because I was so swollen, it looked like I had a golf ball in my mouth. But through all the pain it wasnt all that bad, plus I got two days off of work.

Welcome to Kendra's Korner

Ok so I know it is a little weird for me to have a blog just about me. But I figured I have family and friends all over the place and decided it would be fun and nice to start a blog to keep everyone up to date on my life. I was smart though I choose a title and web-address that is generic enough that in about ten years when I get married ;) I can use it for a family blog. Smart thinking I know. Oh yea I know corner is spelled with a c no a k but it was taken and I thought using a K is cute, sense Kendra starts with a K, haha you get the point.