Wednesday, August 21, 2013

28 Week...well 29 Week Update

Yesterday I had my 28 week appointment (though I am 29 weeks). Well so far so good!!! She is measuring just where she needs to be…totally right on track. The nurse was pretty sure that she is laying on her side at the time of my appointment. Right now her heart rate is holding steady where it needs to be. As for me I passed my glucose test!! My BP and weight gain look good to her my dr. I don’t have anemia and urine looks great. So everything is going well. I had my RhoGAM shot on Saturday. And of course the minor side effects would have to be headaches and I had a not so fun migraine that started Saturday afternoon through Sunday and kind of still wanting to come back when I sit at work. Not to many people I am finding actually know about the RH Factor. I guess sense I grew up knowing about it I figured it was common knowledge. But I guess I only knew cause my mom always told me I would have to be watched for it sense I have A- blood type. I guess its really not that common only 15% of people have RH- blood. So in case our sweet baby girl has RH positive blood type, thanks to Kyle being O- I get the RhoGAM shot to prevent the RH factor. You can read more about the RH Factor here As far as the pregnancy is going I feel pretty great. Ill admit the last week I can tell I tire more easily. And I have learned that unlike when I am not pregnant if I push my self past being tired to total exhaustion it takes days to feel better again. So I am learning a hard thing for me….how to just relax and not be busy all the time. She moves around a lot. I can tell she is more busy certain times of days over others. Oh yes one tid bit of info. At my appointment my Dr talked about immunizations. The Drs recommend that any family members that will be in close contact or be around the baby at all get immunized for whooping cough. They recommend that any one who has daily contact with children be immunized to prevent carrying it to the baby. Its suggested you be immunized by my 33 week of pregnancy. So I would like to make a request that close family consider being immunized.

Beign Good at The Blog Again

Sadly we dont live very close to much family. My whole family is 45 minutes away. Kyle's whole family, minuse Sean and Lauren, live 6 hours away in Boise. So we decided that weekly blog updates once the baby comes and updates through out the pregnancy are needed so that grandparents can watch their grand baby grow. So lets see how I do!!!