Life is a true adventure it is full of good and bad times. When times are good we laugh, smile and talk of how great life is. When we are on top we can think of nothing else but the pure bliss we are caught up in. We think to our selves nothing can go wrong, or life cant get any better then this.
Then when times are hard we feel as if we hit rock bottom. Our days hurt, our hearts are broken, are shoulders slumped and we feel as if we are carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders. When times are dark we often think will the light ever come, what did I do wrong, how could this happen, or why go on.
When times are good we are happy. When times are hard we are down. What a roller coaster. Personally I found this roller coaster so emotionally draining I thought to my self I want off. But where, being constantly down is not worth it. Being constantly happy seems impossible-or at least the world says you cannot always be happy. I seemed at a lost. I no longer wanted to ride the roller coaster any more I just needed to figure out how and where to get off.
A year or so ago when I decided this roller coaster was no fun and that I had to get off I couldnt figure our how or where. Like I said being depressed constantly would not be worth but the world kept telling me there is no way to be happy all the time. So I thought to my self lets settle in the middle ground, not depressed but not happy just waiting...stalled you could say. For awhile this seemed to be working.
But after awhile I began to realize this was just as exosting as the roller coaster. So I decided I need to change things again. So I started praying that happiness would come. As I started praying the answers starting coming, I just didnt know it. I hurd talks, read scriptues, etc. about happiness being a journey, faith, hope, charity, etc. As I read all these I began to figure things out. Happiness is possible, constant happiness is possible but how. All I know was last year I gained hope and faith. When December rolled around I started praying about what I could chose to make as my new years resolution and the answer came learn hope and faith. As I read and prayed to gain constant hope and faith I realized one thing constant hope and faith means constant happiness. That was it hope is happiness all the time. Happiness is not in things its a choice its a way of being, its our character.
So that was the answer to happiness hope and faith. Now that I knew the answer the question became how to we get this constent hope and faith.
Today as I was reading my scriptures I was reading in Jacob 4 I made huge advances. Some of the verses read "...for this intent have we written these things, that they may know that we knew of Christ, and we had a hope of his glory...Behold, they believed in Christ and worshiped the Father...And for this intent we we keep the law of Moses it pointing our souls to him; and for this cause it is sanctified unto us for righteousness, even as it was accounted unto Abraham in the wilderness to be obedient unto the commands of God...Wherefore, we search the prophets...having all these witnesses we obtain a hope, and our faith becometh unshaken...Nevertheless, the Lord God showeth us our weakness that we may know that it is by his grace, and his great condescensions unto the children of men, that we have power to do these not to counsel the Lord, but to take counsel from his hand....having faith, and obtained a good hope of glory in him before he manifesteth himself in the flesh."
There is the answer faith and hope are found in the gospel. The gospel is Jesus and God. Jesus is hope. Hope and faith are constent happiness. There it is faith, hope, happiness...constent happiness that is why I believe. For nothing else but hope and happiness.