Yea we have finally made it to 32 weeks. Every day Kyle likes to spend time with his little girl and ask her when she is ready to come bad we have to waite hopefully 6 weeks more...or more. But I love that he is so excited and ready for his little girl to come. Ill admit I am to....I just have my whole nesting list of things to get done before I feel ready.
So on to the fun stuff. At our 20 week ultrsound the little ones kidneys were a little backed up. Our Dr assured us they werent that bad and its usually nothing to worry about. Most of the time it resolves by birth but if not then they have the pediatrician at the hospital check on them on see what to do. Usually if its not resolved its something they grow out of by a year old...and if not then is usually a little valve surgery thats needed to fix them so they drain all the way. That being said we were lucky enough to have another ultrasound at 32 weeks to check to see if her kidneys are getting better, worse or staying the same.
So what did we find...they are getting better!! They are still a little backed up but not much to worry about. She has enough amniotic fluid which means her kidneys are functioning just fine. But because they are still a little backed up I get another ultra sound at 36 weeks. I wont might be a pricey way to spy on her but its fun to really see how she is doing in there. :)
At our ultrasound we decided to confirm little miss is still a little miss....and guess what she is. As our tech put it that is one definite girl growing in there. But we arent positive its a baby and not a human pretzle. She is no longer breech but is head down...but felt that the perfect place for her little feet is right up above her head!! So technically sense she is head down she is not breech...but she is still feet first at times :) The ultrasound tech was obsessed with getting a foot print image for us...but got some good ones showing her funny position. She is looking great!! She is measuring a few days behind which she always has...but my utereous messures right on so no change in the due date!!
Tuesday between my ultrsound and drs appointment I had some time to burn. So first I ran some errands and then just drove around for a bit. Ill admit that sense our first ultrasound in the back of my mind I have been really worried about my little one...yea I think being a new first time mommy did that to me. But after our ultrasound I was feeling a whole lot better. But as I was driving and heading back to the Drs I was able to drive by the temple. When I saw it I had a definite tender mercy moment. I had such an overwhelming sense of peace that everything is going to be all right and well with our little one. And to me it was so nice to put my heart at ease. I love that the Lord gives us those special tender mercies when you really need them.
I know that in life things dont always work out 100% how we want or think we need them. But as a dear sister in my ward once put it that when the Lord makes things right he really makes them right, he fixes them in ways that a million times better then we could have thought we needed...he puts them right for our soul. A quote on my cousins blog has the best quote ever "If God bring you to it he will bring you through it."
My point in saying all this is not to say oh my gosh my child has serious issues cause she doesnt and thats not the point at all. My point is simply this...the Lord loves us and knows exactly what we need and want. I guess today Im all emotional and sentamental as I think back over the last 2 years. Two years ago I went through what was probably the worst summer of my life. I was facing the biggest challenges I ever faced. What was hard about them is they were all caused by my choosing to trust the Lord. I had the spring whisperings of the spirit of things I needed to do. I needed to break up with one of the nicest guys I had dated becuase it felt like what I needed though I had no clue why. I had to then put things right and to an end with another relationship. But ending those relationships put me in such an emotional upheavel in my life. I cant even describe how I felt that summer and what I went through. Other then to say it was dark and hard. But all I could tell my self is that it will all work out somehow. This is all right for somereason.
Little did I know that at time an amazing man was out there going through similar things I was. I guess we were both being prepared by the Lord.
And so here we are two years latter. It was around this time that Kyle and I started texting to get to know each other a little better and see if we wanted to meet up for what was supposed to be a blind date. Who would have ever thought how one little date could change two lives so drastically but it did. But thats getting ahead of my self cause it still hasnt been two years.
But I have been thinking all week about how the Lord as so made things right by both of us. He made them right in our souls. Yep things arent perfect...we have sacrifices to make for our little family over the next couple of years. But its perfect by our souls. I realized the other day that our due date is almost exactly two years to the day that Kyle asked me to marry him. Amazing what the lord has brought into our lives to make things right by our souls.
If things arent 100% perfect in our lives thats all right cause when it really matters the lord will bring us through what ever he brings us to and will make it all perfect by our souls. And this little life in side of me I truly believe is Heavenly Fathers final gift to me, well us, to say guess what those things I brought you to two years ago were hard...and really ripped at your sould and cour of who you are...but guess what I brought you through it and I made it so much better to your soul then you could have even imagined two years ago.