Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Please Pray for Skyler and All Other Children Battling for Their Lives

I know that I am more then over due for a blog post about me...that will be taken care of this weekend I promise.

However this post is to ask you to please pray for Skyler and his mom Crystal. Crystal is a dear friend to my dear friend Roger (I get it complicated connection here.) Crystal has gone through so much she lost her husband to a heart tumor two days before Skyler's 2nd birthday and now her 4 year old son is fighting for his life. In August he was diagnosed with Leukemia. His battle for life as been long and hard with many ups and downs. Currently he is fighting infections after infections. Please pray for Skyler.

Also please pray for all children fighting for their lives this Holiday season. Pray that they can grow to adulthood. Pray that their families can have strength to support their child during this battle. Pray that they can see Gods hand in their lives and that he gives them strength when it is most needed.

I work at Ronald McDonald House. Every shift I work I see the families who's children are fighting for their lives. Its amazing to see the strength and determination in their eyes. But the best part is seeing the pride and pure excitement and relief when their child gets to go home with them. What I have learned the most from working here is the power of Hope! I can see that God is supporting and strengthening all these families during their battle for life. The quote on the wall of the room I stay in at work says it all right "A little Faith, A little Hope, A lot of Healing."

This Thanksgiving please BE GRATEFUL for the HEALTHY CHILDREN in your life.....and PRAY for those children FIGHTING FOR THEIR LIVES....PRAY for THEIR FAMILIES that they have the strength to continue...PRAY FOR SKYLER.

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