Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter Camping Trip....Capitol Reef Style

Easter Camping Trip....Captiol Reef Style

This weekend Kyle and I went on our first camping trip as a married couple.!!

We hadnt really intended it to be a Easter Camping trip it was just the best weekend to go before our cruise and we were itching to use all of our new camping gear.

We headed down to Capitol Reef for an over nighter trip. Some good off roading river crossing fun, new hikes and some good old traditional ones.

Enjoy the photo over load. (Some of them look funny..I forgot I messed with the color settings)

Cassidy Arch

Hiking Cassidy Arch

Making us some yummy grub...aka camp food.

Me over looking Cathedral Valley.

Cathedral Valley...Tower of the Moon

Cathedral Valley

Coolest scenery ever!!!

Very proud after crossing the Fremont River in our SUV. I tried to put the video on but really cant figure it out.

Our camp!!

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