Thursday, April 1, 2010

Missionary Work

My singles ward has been encouraging us to be involved in missionary efforts. Ill admit I have always held back on this. Partly because I have worked in sticky situations where I never felt able to be a member missionary. But I know this is no excuse.

On Sunday our Ward Mission Leader spoke to us. He suggested easy ways we can use the internet to share our beliefs:
1) During Conference Post on Face Book you are watching conference
2) After Conference post your favorite talk
3) Post the Mormon Message videos to your Face Book or Blog pages
4) Post talks, scriptures, etc to your Face Book or Blog pages
5) And what ever you can think of.

I have decided to take him on this challenge. I have posted links to a few Mormon Message videos on my blog and facebook. I would love to post the actual video on my blog but when I tried the video took over the page covering the side bars. If any one has suggestion or knows how to fit the vidoes from youtube onto your blog I would love to know how!

Oh yea the pictures are of my brother Elder Prince on his mission in Louisiana! In short this is my shout out for missionary work and missionaries. Three cheers to Missionaries! We Love You!

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