Monday, May 7, 2012

The Western Caribbean Honeymoon Cruise.......Day 3 and 8 Fun DaysAt Sea

Day 3 and also day 8 of our honey moon was spent as Sea Days. AKA relaxing and playing on the ship while we traveled a long way on the sea.

The first day at sea we spent a lot of it enjoying the fun that the pools had to offer. We swam and played on the slide. And people watched like crazy. 

Remember our spa tour and raffle I mentioned. Well guess what...Kyle won the grand prize...a $200 dollar gift certificate at the Spa. So the two of us got pedicures on our first day at sea. I was so happy cause my toes where all ready starting to chip :( I was able to get cool shilac nails and Kyle got a deep moisturizing treatment add on to his.

That night was also our first elegant dinner. It was so fun seeing my hubby all dressed up in a handsome suite for dinner. That night was lobster night and yummy prime rib. 

Just Chilling on the ship:

And spa pedicure time. Yes I had to document Kyle getting his feet being made pretty. 

Formal dinner time. Isnt he handsome. 

Kyle's lobster.
Kyle's birthday cake. We also got one like 5 minutes latter for it being our honeymoon and had to kiss the whole time they sang to us. 

Amazing sunset.

Our towel bear.

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